A movie about Pandas Syndrome

The first film about the Pediatric Syndrome Pans/Pandas is from Italy: it was shot in Parma with the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region.

The project was announced by the film production company Feel For Films Italia, which just launched the website about “The Pandas Syndrome”. The film, produced and directed by Filippo Cavalca (award-winning- creator of «Being Leonardo Da Vinci» and «Hollywood is a whole other thing»), deals with the Syndrome Pans/Pandas (acronym for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal). A pediatric syndrome that causes neuropsychiatric disorders.

«This collective narration handles this topic in many different ways that come across the syndrome in various contexts and phases. We wrote the stories based on field study: interviewing kids and their families, on the meetings we had with specialized doctors and the representatives of the American context». The short will be available for the public on the 20th of august; on this day will also start a crowdfunding campaign to reach the goal budget.